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IELM 4320 Design Thinking — Exhibition 2017


The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and The China Academy of Art (CAA) collaborated on a unique Design Thinking course for a fifth successive occasion in June this year. The objectives of the course were primarily to bring together the disciplines of art and technology, and to foster cross-disciplinary expertise in innovative product design.

The teaching team comprised both faculty and technical specialists from the Departments of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management (IELM) and Computer Science Engineering (CSE) at HKUST, and the School of Design and School of Intermedia Art from CAA. The academic background of both UG and PG students who attended this exciting and original course was extremely diverse, bringing expertise and knowledge from many various disciplines.

The course duration was over a period of 3.5 weeks at both HKUST and CAA campuses; final projects are presented and exhibited at the HKUST Lee Shau Kee Library. These novel creations are the endeavor of teams of students from the two universities showcasing technology, empathy and emotion.