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November 2021

Current Issue

Library Newsletter Banner

Issue No. 122
November 2021

RDM Symposium: A Series of Fruitful Online Discussions

In last month’s Research Data Management (RDM) Symposium, hundreds of HKUST researchers joined the online seminars to explore research data integrity, publishing and retractions, open science, and reproducible research.

In four seminars, speakers brought different perspectives. In Seminar 1, Prof. Anirban Mukhopadhyay, our Associate Provost, talked about detecting research publishing misconduct from his experience as a journal’s editor-in-chief. To complement his angle, Dr. Rebecca Grant from the publisher F1000 explored how publishers can support research integrity.

Dr. Ivan Oransky, who co-founded Retraction Watch, told us the story of the Retraction Watch blog and the database in Seminar 2. With the retraction data, he showed us an overall picture of research misconduct which leads to retractions.

In Seminar 3, Dr. Florian Markowetz of the University of Cambridge approached data management from a researcher-centered angle. He highlighted 5 “selfish reasons” for researchers to make their work reproducible.

This theme was nicely echoed by Dr. Laurent Gatto, associate professor at the UCLouvain, Belgium, in Seminar 4; in which we also had a voice from a librarian, Dr. Marta Teperek, from TU Delft Library, the Netherlands. These two speakers conducted an interactive, conversational talk that emphasized how scientists can work towards more open and reproducible research, and how support staff in labs and libraries can support the journey.

In addition to the guest speakers, we had HKUST professors to lead the discussion after the talks; they helped ground the conversation to our local context and interests. Prof. Jean Hong, Prof. Stuart Gietel-Basten, and Prof. King Chow contributed greatly to making these seminars an inspiring discussion and a fruitful learning.

RDM Symposium banner

The RDM Symposium also included 2 sessions of a Data Management Plan workshop conducted by expert trainers from the Digital Curation Centre in the UK. Each session was well-attended by about 40 research students.

The Library will mount the program recordings and/or presentation slides at We believe the event has successfully raised HKUST researchers’ awareness on the importance and benefits of managing research data.

Library Achievements 2020-2021

Every summer, the Library has a staff retreat to take stock of the previous year and make plans for the future. This helps with accountability and sharing information among our staff, and helps us to prepare our annual report. But who reads an annual report? In order to share what has been done with HKUST students and staff, we also post some of our most significant achievements on a special page: Library Achievements

Library Achievements 2020-2021Here are some of the highlights of 2020-21:

  • E-book Use Jumped 22% & E-Journal Use 17%
  • Library Instruction Attendees Topped 10,000
    • This year the attendance of Library instruction sessions reached a record breaking 10,052 over 296 sessions. All the sessions were in online mode.
  • 400 New Vibrant & Comfy Study Carrels Added
    • The Library completed a Research Carrels Replacement Project: new carrels on LG3 were ready in spring 2021 and a few months later on LG4. 400+ new study carrels with a modern and vibrant design were in high demand for exams and the spring.
  • Self-Service Hygiene and Security
    • The Library added new self-service tools to help library users maintain a safe & secure environment: UV-C Book Sterilizers and short-term storage lockers

Collection Spotlight: SciFinder-n

SciFinder-n is a new version of SciFinder, which is the most comprehensive database to search for chemical literature, substances, and reactions. This new generation comes with a beautiful interface along with some cool features compared to the old one:

Search type: Conducts an “All” search to find substances, reactions, references, and suppliers that match your query in one go.

Search history: SciFinder-n remembers all your searches. You can edit or rerun any of your previous queries.

Sorting: Search results can now be sorted by Relevance which was not possible on the old platform.

Citation map: Graphical representation that shows the citation relationships between one paper and other papers.

Retrosynthesis planner: A computer-aided synthetic design tool that helps creating a full retrosynthesis plan including expected yields and reagent costs.

PatentPak: Full-text patents associated with your search query are now accessible for download – from 46 global patent offices.

Chemscape analysis: Visualizes the similarity and patent landscape for a set of substance results. The location of the substance bar in the visualization corresponds to the similarity of the substance to the query, and the height of the substance in the visualization corresponds to the number of patents in which the substance has been published.


SciFinder-N Search Type And History SciFinder-N Citation MapSciFinder-N Retrosynthesis Planner SciFinder-n Chemscape analysis

SciFinder will be replaced by SciFinder-n in March 2022. Why not explore the new platform now? Access: Library homepage –> Databases –> S.

November Library iTALK – 如何提煉職業生涯的跨能技藝

iTalk Speaker - Alvin Ho圖書館十一月的iTalk,將請來著名作家及財金專家艾雲豪主講新常態下如何在職業生涯中提煉跨界技能。

講座中艾雲豪將以體育和娛樂 界巨星的成就,和諾貝爾經濟學 和文學獎得主的研究,加上作者 的meme,把著名的成就公程式「成就 = 運氣 + 技藝」逐格分解。 他會以足球等運動作為場景,透 視背後的行為邏輯;借C朗拿度、 美斯、老虎活士、費達拿等的故 事,透視天皇巨星怎樣憑天賦努 力,鍛煉超凡技藝,名利雙收;而從行為科學和複 雜網絡科學中,窺探「我們」如何能以想像做到絕 處逢生。艾雲豪同時會以流行歌曲、電影、百老匯 經典歌劇,引導大家進入一個眩目但陰暗的世界。

艾雲豪,原名何敏,是私募股權投資人,任職 投資機構的董事總經理,專注私募股權、公司融 資、IPO和業務重組。何先生除了曾擔任包括房地 產、生命服務、工業設備及物流、醫療服務、工業 印刷和在香港聯交所主板上市公司的董事外,還是 多間投資機構的投資委員會成員。他亦是香港特 許金融分析師學會的副會長。除此以外,他更以 筆名艾雲豪在灼見名家、足球周刊、《信報》和 《明報》等先後開闢專欄,並撰寫了《誰偷走了紅 魔?》和《超級巨星經濟學》等暢銷書。

何先生是清華大學EMBA碩士、英國倫敦商學院 金融科學碩士、香港中文大學社會科學學士、註冊 會計師(CPA)、特許金融分析師(CFA),現正攻讀科 大的環球中國研究碩士課程。


Comfort Paws @ Library - Luna Comfort Paws @ Library Comfort Paws @ Library

Comfort Paws Program @Library

University life can get truly stressful with a heavy load of assignments and exams. Research* has shown that therapy dogs have a positive effect on students’ wellbeing, particularly reducing stress and anxiety.

Given this impact, the Dean of Students’ Office (DSTO) piloted its first therapy dog program in UG Residence Halls in 2019. The program brought together university students, trained therapy dogs, and handlers in an effort to reduce stress and combat homesickness. Students have been very supportive of the program.

Due to high demand for more therapy dog sessions, DSTO decided to expand the program. Starting this fall, regular therapy dog sessions have been organized in partnership with the Library. All sessions are held in the Library’s LG4 Multi-Function Room which provides a spacious and relaxing area for students and therapy dogs.

During the mingling sessions, students not only pet and cuddle the therapy dogs, they also learn about them from the handlers and the ways to build good relationships with dogs. The handlers show some students how to perform tricks with therapy dogs while DSTO staff have a causal chat with others to help them destress while getting to know the students more.

Comfort Paws paerticipants

Whether you are just passing by the Library or on your afternoon break, playing with our furry paw friends is a surefire way to get refreshed for your next studying session; Coco, Coffee, Bruno, Shadow, and Luna would love to meet you in the Library, so stay tuned for the schedule on HKUST+VibEs IG (https:// or the Library homepage ( WOOF! WOOF!

*Ward-Griffin, E, Klaiber, P, Collins, HK, Owens, RL, Coren, S, Chen, FS. Petting away pre-exam stress: The effect of therapy dog sessions on student well-being. Stress and Health. 2018; 34: 468– 473.


Library Aisle Study Seating

Facilities Updates — Very Crowded

Library 1/F CrowdingLearning Commons Crowding

Wow – the Library is really, really, really crowded these days!

We have done what we can, Now you need to do your part – be considerate of your fellow students.

Don’t Hog Seats.

Don’t leave your stuff in a carrel or table when you go to class or a meal – use the lockers on LG1 if you need temporary storage.

The Library has made a few changes to help:

  • Now that the campus requires vaccinations, over 1,500 chairs which were removed for social distancing have been restored.
  • All but one of the group study rooms have been reopened for your use – and that one should be ready in a couple months.
  • A Library office has been converted into another 24- hour group study room in the Learning Commons.
  • Over 125 new adjustable chairs have been added to LG1 and LG4.
  • Due to Zoom needs, we are not yet enforcing the minimum 2-person rule for group study rooms.

Library’s 5th Withdrawn Book Sale Proves Popular

Books flew out the door in the 2nd week of September during the Library’s 5th Withdrawn Book Sale, when 83% of the almost 4,000 books were sold to members of the HKUST community.

Held in the LG4 Multi-Function Room from September 14-16, the Library offered for sale a selection of old and long-unused, and duplicate copies in all subjects that had been withdrawn from the collection. In addition, old (but good condition) binders and magazine boxes were offered for free.

Library Withdrawn Book Sale

The price (HKD 10 per book) was attractive and library staff are pleased that these books have been given a new lease on life, being taken home by HKUST students and staff. The funds from the sale will be used to acquire new library materials.

Oracle Bone 2玄龜呈瑞–謝春玲甲骨文書法作品展
Blessings of Auspicious Treasures

Celebrating the University’s 30th Anniversary, the Library and MTPC will jointly present The Blessings of Auspicious Treasures: Oracle Bone Calligraphy Exhibition of Xie Chunling this fall. The exhibition will open on November 3 in the Ping Yuan and Kinmay W Tang Gallery of the Library.

We are honored to have invited Prof. SIN Chow Yiu, Honorary Professor of The University of Hong Kong; Dr. Florian KNOTHE, Director of University Museum and Art Gallery of The University of Hong Kong; Dr. XIE Chunling, Participating Artist; Prof. Wei SHYY, HKUST President; Ms. Diana CHAN, Library Director; and Mr. Thomas NG, MTPC Director to officiate at the Opening Ceremony, which will be held at 2:30pm on November 3 via Zoom (Meeting ID: 923 3201 5826, Passcode: ceremony). All are welcome to join.

In addition to featuring more than 40 pieces of calligraphy by Dr. Xie, the exhibition will showcase six oracle bones borrowed from University Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) of HKU. We are deeply grateful to UMAG for their generous support and believe these original artifacts will greatly enhance visitors’ understanding and enjoyment of ancient Chinese characters.

The exhibition will also feature multimedia presen- tations to create a deeply engaging visual experience. Visitors will not only have memorable encounters, but also an educational learning opportunity while viewing the exhibits.

Oracle Bone 1In conjunction with the exhibition, our Library and UMAG will jointly organise three guest talks by Dr. Xie on oracle bone inscriptions:

1. The Discovery, Connoisseurship, and Deciphering of Oracle Bone Inscriptions (甲骨文的 發現、鑒定及破譯)

2. The Social Structure and Class Relationships in the Shang Dynasty Revealed from Oracle Bone Inscriptions (從甲骨文看殷商朝代的社會結構及階 級關係)

3. Religious Worship during the Shang Dynasty Revealed from Oracle Bone Inscriptions (從甲骨文看殷商社會的宗教崇拜)

The talks will be held on November 4, 10, and 12 in Putonghua via Zoom and in-venue. Details and registrations are available from the exhibition website:

With Dr. Xie’s art recreations and the blessings of auspicious treasures from ancient times, this exhibition will be a celebration of the University’s past accomplishments and a special blessing for its future achievements.

You’re Back! Library Occupancy

The Library’s data analytics platform really shows the explosive change in Library usage once the campus was able to return to face-to-face teaching.

We track of a variety of physical and virtual usage metrics, including entry gate counts, WiFi connections and usage, and off-campus e-resource access. See our data dashboards for details:

Since the start of term, gate counts have jumped back up to well over 10k per day, from 1-3k earlier in the year and the 3pm headcount – a true measure of your library use – shows a similar massive change, even more than we had expected.


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last modified 01 November 2021