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Issue No. 124
April 2022

Feedback on Usefulness

E–Discovery Week 2022

The Library held the 5th E-Discovery Week from February 14–18 – a week of online learning spiced up with a Grand Lucky Draw, “IG Giveaway” activities on Instagram, a fun highlights video, etc.

Hundreds of students took our E-Discovery Challenge and attended the workshops held during the week via Zoom. The Challenge was an online quiz consisting of eight questions. Each question required them to log in to a database, do a quick search, and find the right answer. Those who submitted the completed quiz were entitled to two lucky draw chances.

Feedback OverallSixteen workshops on various subject interests were held throughout the week. Our trainers from different countries introduced smart searching methods for various e-resources. All participants took a quiz in each workshop. If their answers were correct, they could earn one lucky draw chance for each workshop.

A post-event survey yielded a 51% response rate dominated by very positive feedback. Participants found the E-Discovery Week activities engaging and useful.

E-Discovery Week 2022 PrizesMany thanks to our generous sponsors. We had 20 exciting prizes for the Grand Lucky Draw, and supermarket gift coupons for 5 Active Participation Award Winners and 10 “IG Giveaway” participants. 

Prize winners were notified individually by email in early March. Congratulations to all of you! Due to the current epidemic situation, the prize presentation ceremony has been postponed. The winner list will be posted on the E-Discovery Week website after the ceremony (

Stay tuned!

April iTalk: Learn to Learn at Uni.

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think“ – Albert Einstein

To Professor Rhea Liem, to make her students appreciate and enjoy learning has been her main motivation and mission in teaching. She was awarded the School of Engineering Teaching Excellence Appreciation Award (2018 and 2021) and the 2021 UGC Teaching Award (Early Career Faculty Members).

Professor LiemMany students might not realize the purpose of their learning beyond academic excellence, and find it hard to cope with the heavy workload. One of the main roles of university education is to help students discover their interests and their own learning methods. This helps empower them to feel free to learn to explore and to continue educating themselves for the rest of their lives. We live in a fast-changing world where even state-of-the-art innovations might soon become obsolete.

In this talk, Professor Liem will share her heartfelt advice to students – not as a teacher, but as a former student – on what and how to learn at university. Join us on Zoom at 1pm on April 12.

Researchers’ Series @ Library

Early career researchers who wish to pursue a research position will find it useful to develop a broad range of skills that would help them thrive in their careers. Academia is a competitive field, making professional development essential to ensure future success. At HKUST, Researchers’ Series is the Library’s flagship program designed to help you grow and expand your research capabilities.

Andrew Stow

Andrew Stow

On February 22, Andrew Stow from CRC Press held a very informative webinar for HKUST researchers on book publishing. Andrew is a book editor, and he commissions all types of book content in all fields of engineering for authors across Asia. In this webinar, Andrew gave a step-by-step guide for book publishing from developing an idea and preparing the book proposal, to maximizing research impact. He also discussed things young researchers should consider and provided many practical techniques for writing a book.

Dr. Gilad FeldmanThe next Researchers’ Series webinar – Challenges, Benefits, and Tips for Researchers in Endorsing Open-Science, Conducting Registered Reports, and Supporting a Science Reform – was delivered by Professor Gilad Feldman (HKU) on March 16. In this engaging talk, Gilad discussed the importance of open-science practice. He explored the main challenges, possible pitfalls, and potential benefits in pursuing open-science. To many of us, open-science is a relatively new topic, and Gilad highly recommended early career researchers and students to start by joining any of the open-science collaborative communities like the Psychological Science Accelerator and the Collaborative Replications and Education Project (CREP). He also introduced registered reports and various tools (e.g. OSF and Top Factor) that researchers can undertake in their own research. We all learned a lot from Gilad through this well- paced webinar.

Both webinar recordings can be viewed at the Researchers’ Series archive ( Subscribe to our Research Bridge ( and stay tuned for our next Researchers’ Series event.

The Power of Diversity — Exhibition delayed

The pandemic has affected many aspects of our campus life. The exhibition, The Power of Diversity – Artistic Visionaries from HKUST (多元「藝」力), originally scheduled to open on February 24, was also inevitably delayed. However, we are targeting a soft launch in early April as our four alumni artists have been working hard to showcase their passion and dreams via their art creations in this very special exhibition.

We look forward to the visual artworks of Vivian Ho, Jeanie Leung, and Claudia Sin; and the photographic works of Terence Pang. All of them have demonstrated the beauty in diversity and the versatility of HKUST.

HKUST is known for its education and research in science, technology, and business management. But these areas of knowledge are just one side of the story – art and culture are also emerging skill sets among our students. From their stories we learn that they have all overcome difficulties and moved boldly forward in their quest to be artists. More important, “Together We Empower”. They show in this exhibition that the collective is more important than the individual, and the sum is greater than its parts.

In conjunction with the exhibition, two online talks are under preparation. One will be held on April 28 by Terence Pang about photography, and the other on May 3 by Vivian Ho on her visual design. These events are great chances for us to interact with our alumni and understand their paths of creation and visions.

Exhibition Poster

Big Picture in Tiny Space : From Ancient Qin-Han Seals to Modern Seal Carving

古壐印自春秋戰國發展到秦漢,可稱進入鼎 盛。繼承古璽自然古樸之印風,印文以小篆 為之,變圓為方,變奇崛為平正,方中寓圓,圓中 寓方,活潑靈動,形成鮮明之時代特徵。秦印以白 文鑿印為主,私印形制以長方形、圓形、橢圓形最 為常見,其中又以長方形「半通印」居多。章法以 險峻奇崛見稱,文字大小一致,筆畫纖細而雄勁,予人一種蒼拙威嚴、雍容大度之感,一洗古璽印隨便、自然、複雜多變之風。

漢印繼承秦印傳統,印文仍以陰文為主,亦 見陽文及朱白相間者,鑿印印文不拘成法,線條往 往看似平凡卻奇崛,變形誇張,令人有目不暇給之 驚嘆,字體筆畫粗拙自然,天趣橫生,是漢印所獨 有之風格。兩漢印章種類增多,製作技藝精湛,形 制、鈕式精美絕倫,非其他各朝代可媲美,於古璽 印發展史上可稱奇峰突起。漢代乃古璽印文字最重 要的變革時代,對後世印壇影響深遠。

這次展覽,除秦漢璽印外,還會展出一些清代至 當代的流派印。這些作品皆出自名家,他們切刀、 沖刀各擅疆場,百花齊放;印風雖然多變,但都有 一個共通點——恪守「印宗秦漢」的法規。這些名 家莫不是由秦漢印入手,從中汲取養分,然後生出 自己的面貌。從這些流派印中可以看到秦漢印的影 子。建議大家在看展覽的時候,把秦漢印與流派印 串聯起來,從而體悟前人對秦漢印的繼承與發展, 以及篆刻藝術的演化。

Exhibition Poster展覽原定於2022年3月10日開幕,因疫情緣故, 實體展品暫須延至四月下旬才能與大家見面。

為配合人文學部在本季進行中的課程HUMA 1660,圖書館已把展品的影像及相關資料放在 網上,以供教學之用。如要先睹為快,可瀏覽 網頁:

此外,虛擬導賞及有關印譜的講座正在安排之 中,參加這兩項活動的科大同學(HUMA1660的同學 除外)將獲HLTH1010課程中的學習時數。詳情及登 記事宜請見網頁:

Bee Happy Talk Was Buzzing!

Bee Talk slideOn March 7, 213 people attended the talk on Bee Happy 養蜂‧生態‧保育 by HKUST alumnus Mr. Lancelot Shir on Zoom. This rock star Maths tutor turned beekeeper introduced participants to characteristics and life spans of different types of bees, bees’ importance to biodiversity, beekeepers’ daily routines, factors threatening bees’ existence, and the growing popularity of urban beekeeping worldwide. Lancelot engaged participants with a lively presentation, interactive Q&A, videos, and practical news stories. Participants were amazed to know interesting facts such as how bees vibrate and dance to communicate, grading of honeys, what to do if you get stung, and rooftop urban beekeeping in the metropolis like London, Ginza, and Hong Kong.

Highlights of the talk for participants include:


Bee Talk participants“Most valuable aspect for me is learning about Hong Kong’s role in urban bee keeping. I also enjoyed all the facts about bees, too. But Hong Kong’s role stood out for me because it could show to the public that UBK can be something that HK people are proud of and have major contribution to bees, the food chain and our ecosystem by having an accurate understanding of bees (i.e. they are not to be afraid of). I also like how Lancelot asked the audience questions to keep us engaged and curious about bees. And through the knowledge, he helped us understand the benefits of bees, how to handle bees properly, and what (not) to do to help bees. I really appreciate Lancelot’s work and his talk. Thank you!”

“I am a life science student. It helps me to understand more about diversity, like why the bee is important in our lives.”


Launching DMPTool@HKUST for Data Management Plan Writing

Data is at the heart of scientific discovery and future research. Traditionally, we take publications as the culmination of research. In recent years, the research community has paid more attention to the effective management of research data in a paradigm shift towards reproducible and reusable research. A data management plan (DMP) is a document that describes how you will handle your data during the course of your research and at the end of your study or project.

DMPTool Landing PageTo help HKUST researchers get started with writing and using DMPs, the Library began piloting DMP services with a DMP Sandbox since the beginning of 2020. In addition to the pilot service, the Library conducted a DMP focus group study in April 2021. Based on the feedback, recommendations and evaluation of available solutions, the Library adopted DMPTool, an online tool developed by the University of California Curation Centre. We implemented a local Library version, named DMPTool@HKUST ( Login is enabled via ITSC authentication.

In the DMP Template designed by the HKUST Library, we ask researchers to address their data management plan in 6 major areas: Nature of Data, Ethics and Rights, Data Sharing, File Management and Storage, Deposit and Preservation, and Resources Planning. A set of guidance and example answers are also included to help you construct your DMP.

DMP is best drafted at the start of a research project, but revisions and updates are expected throughout the course of research. You can save DMPs in DMPTool@HKUST and come back anytime for future revisions. You can create an unlimited number of DMPs on the platform and can invite HKUST-affiliated users to review/collaborate on the same plan. You may request feedback from one of our research support services librarians on your DMP using the built-in feature when creating plans on this platform.

DMPTool Question Screenshot

Collection Spotlight: What’s New

中國博碩士學位論文全文數據庫 –文史 哲 (China Doctoral Dissertation & Master’s Theses Full-text Database: Literature, History and Philosophy) – This CNKI database is noted for its comprehensive coverage of dissertations and theses from top universities and research institutes in Mainland China. The Library now provides access to the Humanities subset of this database from 2000. Content is updated daily, delivering the latest research achievements of young Chinese scholars, published at the latest 1.5 months after degree awarding. Users can also benefit from CNKI’s Knowledge Network Node, literature analysis, and citation analysis tools which offer seamless discovery of related content.

CNKI Expansion element

Kanopy – Everyone from film scholars to casual viewers will discover remarkable and enriching films on Kanopy. This is an on-demand streaming video service that works directly with filmmakers and film distribution companies to offer thousands of award-winning documentaries, world cinema, and theatrical releases across diverse subjects and disciplines. Enjoy its extensive catalog with new titles added every month. Browse by subjects and genres or do a keyword search. The layout is attractive and intuitive. Start watching today and expand your worldview.

Kanopy newly added

Scite – A smart citation index that displays the context of citations and classifies their intent using AI. Scite uses access to full-text articles and its deep learning model to tell you, for a given publication how many times it was cited by others, where the citation happened from each citing paper, and whether each citation offers supporting or contrasting evidence of the cited claims in the publication of interest, or simply mentions it. Scite is a tool suitable for students and researchers of various levels and research background. It helps users speed up the literature review process and identify critical analysis.

Scite - cited by screen

Access these and other resources via Library home page –> Databases –> Alphabetical Listing.


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last modified 01 April 2022