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Sha Fei: A Humanist Photographer at War (1912-1950)

Visitor Comments (a selection from Guest Book)

攝影者: 沙飛新聞觸角極敏銳 , 终年只得三十八岁….可惜 。 今天影展相片重見天日…可喜。
大量珍貴照片 , 令人如親歷其境 , 印象深刻 !
Truly enjoyed it, it was very good. As an international student, I am excited any time there is a chance of getting more familiar with the culture of this region the English descriptions were pretty good.
Art is never truly exempt from history. Sha Fei’s documentation of this era in the form of photographs (especially that ordinary life and the everyday) absolutely bridges a gap formed by the passing of time. He creates understanding for the contemporary viewer through representation and photography as a medium is one of the most accurate in achieving that task. Sha Fei’s works – and all war photography – ensure that history is never lost and it demands us to reflect and remember. All in all, a great exhibition on part of the HKUST Library.
            – A visiting art (history) student 
一個不忘記歷史的民族, 不會被歷史遺忘!
以史為鑑 , 可以知興替 。
科大雖然成立時間短 , 但追思歷史的態度值得嘉獎 !
中國以千萬人員之傷亡為世界反法西斯勝利貢獻出巨大力量。中國近代以來備受別強之欺辱,失香港,丟澳門,割台灣。我中華之傳承前途堪懮,幸哉有革命先行者,愛國捐軀者……因為他們中國五千年古國得以後承然後有今日之強盛,逝者惋惜,逝者不朽。雖然今日之中國仍有諸多之問題,但因為有往日之輝煌,所以有明日之信心,中國一定能再次跑出於世界…..唐朝: 外附萬邦, 莫不臣屬….明朝:出使西洋,莫不仰望…….希望這一天能再快此回到我們身。
很難得看到能有人在抗日的年代拍下這些照片,最難忘的照片是聶榮臻與日本孤兒美穗子,讓人在冷酷的戰爭中依然看到一些人情味。戰爭的殘酷與仇恨換作了愛,超越國籍與種族的愛 。
It’s important for the youth to remember our history and cherish current peace. We need to face the challenges in the world. Hope to work hard to build a beautiful tomorrow.
敢拍敢說敢做 。
这些相令人想起今日的叙利亚。庆幸生活在和平繁荣的香港 。
We must honour those who fought for our rights, pics are a good way to remember those brave soldiers!
向攝影前輩學習 , 致敬!
These photos are meaningful! 感謝攝影師冒著生命危險拍下歷史真實的一刻。
戰爭中 , 記錄"歷史是另一種偉大 ! 和平來之不易 , 以無數生命為化代價 . 望今天的人們以史為鑑 , 懂得珍惜 ! 很珍貴的展覽。謝謝!
如今山河猶在 , 國泰民安 。才不負當年血染沙場 , 告慰曾經國恥民殤。
是先人的浴血奮戰 , 才造就瞭如今的和平年代 ! 感謝祖國 , 更會珍惜今日的美好生活。
每個人都局限在一個非常狹小的時空 , 非常震憾 。
很好的照片最令我深刻的是將軍與日本小女道別的照片 , 令我感到人性善良。
感謝沙飛冒著生命危險留下這些真貴的歷史圖片。這對後人是很好的教育 !
十分難得的照片、多謝沙飛為後人留下的照片 , 回顧過去 , 令人感受到太平盛世的幸福 。
The guided tour is very informative and interesting. Keep up the good work guys.
珍惜現在 , 願世界和平 !
戰爭是可以避免的 , 和平才是無價 !
謝謝沙飛 , 勿忘國恥 , 緬懷歷史 , 警醒後人 , 珍惜和平 , 希望科大可以多些舉辦此類展覽活動 , 讓香港年輕一代謹記這個國家曾遭受的苦難。
回顧歷史 , 展望未來 , 珍惜現在的和平時光 !
I think the tour enriched my knowledge on the detail of WWII on Chinese frontier and I think the tour tell me more about the good and the bad side of communist China. The tour guide Vivian, Jessica, Winnie and Steven did a great job. Keep it up. I hope I can see more exhibition like this in HKUST. You know it is now quite hard to see old photo like this in HK. So I look forward to see this.
Great tour, great guides. Please more of this kind of exhibition & tours!
Very nice exhibition! Totally loved it ! Students are really interested in these tours , so bring some more to us ! Thanks !
軍民團結如一人 , 試看天下誰能敵。
今天的幸福生活來之不易 , 多得前輩的浴血奮戰 !
我覺得沙飛的攝影技朮很好 , 這與他的努力結合起來形成了寶貴的作品 , 很有收藏價值 !
好一個統戰的記述, 篡改歷史手段 Communism本來就是一個宣傳歷史發展定律的普世進程由 vanguard 發動, 今天的非普世價值論述不過是隱藏策略。日後又是血海攻堅, 死人無數的紅色白骨陣。
自由: 國民黨時期是多少的問題 , 共產黨時期是有與無的問題。