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易 ── 丘子乎極光攝影作品展

訪客留言 (摘錄自留言冊)

I liked the mountain and the tent pictures.
Very beautiful scene. Thank you for your share!
老師, 你的展覽很好看…….又回憶起當年跟你去影極光, 又有少少再想去追光。
Amusing photos and we missed the Aurora Trip with you a lot!
極光隨丘sir 的腳步走 , 不愧為極光之子!
每份作品都好像在動 , 很美,impression !
非常精彩 , 目不暇給!
Thanks for the aurora, the snow makes me homesick, Merry Christmas !
Very beautiful, thank you for sharing !Would be great if there were parameters (eg. exposure time, aperture stated for the star trails for neubie photography to understand more about aurora / star photography. But very beautiful compositions indeed !
The photos are awesome & I like them very much. I really want to go to Norway one day to see it. The nature & sky are fantastic as I can see World in Nature. Overall, these photos are wonderful. Keep up the good work.
Beautiful pictures of the northern lights. I loved the video in the dark room. Very talented photographer.
If there are any photo-taking lesson, I want to join it.
Thanks for letting me to northern. This is marvellous aurora world.
Really great shot
Great pictures!!
Wonderful shots of the natural sceneries, mostly from Northern Canada as I browse. Thank you for showing the amazing skies
I love how the title matched with the picture!! World is beautiful! Power of nature!
Thank U to provide us such a wonderful scene!
Thank you for this wonderful exhibition!
好靚! 希望有更加類似展覽!
極光王子, 實至名歸
精彩, 美妙, 超凡
欣賞了這個exhibition接近10次!令人懷念 Yellowknife 的時光
好美啊! 我很喜歡!
美拍, 大開眼界.大自然之美實在吸引萬分!
Amazing! The photos are good!
Impressive exhibition!
Good names suit all the pictures!
Stunning Shots. Great work.
Good show
Thumbs up! Great!
Amazing Display
Colors of True Love. The Nature.
其實想知真正睇既時候係咪真係咁光, 定係有開好耐曝光.如果係的話, 都幾想睇睇原因係點.如果無抆過一影就係咁都好amazing吓==
Thank you for taking these amazing shoots!
Looking forward to more of these gorgeous works!
Stunning, surreal, beautiful
正!極光好好睇, 好似真係去左旅行咁!
These really help reduce my pressure!!!
Fabulous exhibition