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Transforming Lives: An Exhibition for HKUST 25th Anniversary

書法 — 絲綢之路

“書法 — 絲綢之路” 是由香港科大內地學生學者聯誼會發起,香港科大學生會、中樂團以及藝術社協辦,並獲得1-HKUST Life Award 支持的活動。活動中,來自不同文化背景的科大教授、職員和學生共同創作了這幅長約5米的書法長卷。

“絲綢之路” 是連接古代中國和歐亞各國的橋樑,而這次活動,也同 “絲綢之路” 一般,搭建起科大教職員和學生之間的橋樑,同時將 “同一科大” 的建校理念推廣到整個大學社區之中。




Silk Road of Calligraphy

“Silk Road of Calligraphy” is a 1-HKUST Life Award supported event, initiated by the Mainland Students and Scholars Society (MSSS) and supported by the HKUST Students Union, the HKUSTSU Chinese Orchestra, as well as the HKUSTSU Arts Club. Faculty members and students from many backgrounds collaborated to create this artwork, a 5-meter long scroll of calligraphy.

As the Silk Road of ancient times connected China with other nations across Asia and Europe, so too does this event, like the ancient Silk Road, serves as a bridge between faculty members and students to promote a 1-HKUST spirit for the whole HKUST community.

Scroll calligraphy is a traditional Chinese form of artistic expression, and such scrolls are often displayed for public appreciation. This work, painted by professors and students together, celebrates the past 25 years of great accomplishments and expresses their best wishes for HKUST’s continued good fortune.

We are grateful to HKUST Library for its support and help.

HKUSTSU Mainland Students and Scholars Society

Silk Road of Calligraphy