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General Education Activities Statistics (2015/16)


Exhibitions 8
Art Talks and Gallery Tours 8
Art Dimensions (Students Artwork Display) 9 courses / 83 sets of exhibits
Book Talks 7
Collection Highlights 9 issues
Readers Alert 18 issues



1. “Tartary” from Marco Polo to the Enlightenment
2. Transforming Lives: An Exhibition for HKUST 25th Anniversary
3. Have Cloud: Paintings by Danny Liu
4. In the Palm of Your Hand: Miniatures in Chinese History and Others
5. Natural World, Cultural Elegance: A Photography Exhibition by Tin Man Lee
6. The Photography of Cheung Ping
7. IELM 4320 Design Thinking — Exhibition 2015
8. A Life between East and West: Paul T.K. Lin
Art Talks and Gallery Tours
1. Gallery Tour of Transforming Lives: An Exhibition for HKUST 25th Anniversary
2. Talk and Gallery Tour of Have Cloud: Paintings by Danny Liu
3. Talk and Gallery Tour of In the Palm of Your Hand: Miniatures in Chinese History and Others
4. Talk and Gallery Tour of Natural World, Cultural Elegance: A Photography Exhibition by Tin Man Lee
5. Gallery Tour of IELM 4320 Design Thinking — Exhibition 2015
Art Dimensions (Students Artwork Display)
1. Introduction to Photography
2. Fundamental Technique of Chinese Painting
3. Introduction to Experimental Drawing
4. A Contemporary Approach to Painting
5. Introduction to Chinese Painting in the Past Century
6. Experimental Figure Drawing
7. Introduction to Graphic Design
8. Introduction to Printmaking
9. Introduction to Portrait Photography
Book Talks
1. 文學關係 – 寫作中的內脈線
2. 夢想 X 熱情 — 青年創業家的路
3. Photo Essay of a Failed Reform: Beida, Tiananmen Square & the Defeat of Deng Xiaoping, 1975-76
4. 採訪背後
5. Seeing (My World) through Writing
6. The Journey of a Successful Value Investor
7. 誰說 Engineering 是水泡科
Collection Highlights
1. Entrepreneurship
2. Award Winning Books
3. Chinese Festivals
4. Non-verbal Communication
5. Wine
6. Mars Exploration
7. Water Sports
8. Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
9. Japanese Detective and Mystery Fiction
Readers Alert

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last modified 21 December 2016